Are You A Busy Legal Professional? providing Psychiatric, Psychology reports and mental capacity assessments for solicitors.

Psychiatric Reports for Busy Legal Professionals

Psychiatric Report Services for busy legal professionals

Psychiatric reports for legal professionals solicitors, lawyers barristers.

Are you a busy legal professional?

Do you want to save yourself hours of time?

Everyone knows many lawyers have large case loads,tight deadlines.

With court hearings looming and mountains of paper work to deal with.

When a court or legal team decides that a client needs a psychiatric or expert report, ringing around and looking for experts can take many hours to arrange.

The days when you can simply call a local psychiatrist to produce report look they are numbered .

These days clients needs are increasingly complex, with multiple mental health conditions and legal grounds for producing a report.

Making it more difficult than ever to find the appropriately qualified expert.

Even if the correct expert is located, the expert may not be taking on additional work, many have long waiting times and can not deliver the report when needed .

Others have unreasonable terms and conditions.

So, Scratching your head trying to find the correct expert can be frustrating , Right ?

We at help legal professionals save time, and effort in three easy steps

Step number 1. Contact us

We will take care of everything

We will identify the correct expert from our large panel of experienced consultants and experts

Step number 2. We send you CV’s and Quotes

We will put forward only suitable experts CV’s along with a written quote and confirmation of time scales , Usually on the same day as you enquire.

Step number 3. Instruct us

We will manage all communication documentation and deadlines. A one stop hassle free service for legal professionals. From Instruction to submission of the report

We have provided reports to some of the largest names in the industry as well as local firms or individual solicitors.

We guarantee to provide you the right expert for your case every time

So if you are a busy legal professional, the next time you need a psychiatric report or other expert report, save professional time, frustration and unnecessary workload. Please get in touch.

Contact Us

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Psychiatric Reports for Legal Professionals